For Anthony, with Love

June 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

For Anthony, with Love 

180312-anthony-bourdain-restaurants1anthony-bourdain-restaurants1 Anthony Bourdain in “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” Season 10 having lunch with food blogging trio in Lagos, April 2017. -Credit CNN On June 8, 2018, Anthony Bourdain committed  suicide. When I heard the news on Friday, I broke down in tears for a man I never met. I felt like I known him all of my life. Anthony is one of the main people that poured into my love of travel. His love of food was contiguous, and to date, I have yet to see anyone else on television with his personality. He was a realist. When you virtually traveled with him, it was a cultural adventure. Anthony hated the tourist traps and took us behind the veil and into people's lives. He said it was okay to try different foods cooked in a home of someone you just met. Alternatively, he taught us how to pass on a dish without offending the host. Anthony invited us into the homes of some many different cultures. Watching the women and men cook and share their heritage was an enriching experience. The only other TV personality that does this type of journalism is Zimmerman, but even he cannot fill Bourdain’s shoe. 

Anthony inspired me to have mini adventures in my backyard. There is no need to venture out because there is so much to explore. Friends and family have so much to offer. Cultural diversity and adventure start at home. Anthony will be missed, but his vision will never die. We must capture all these moments with a photograph so we can always remember our milestones and adventures.







Florida- Broward County Glamour Photography - Coconut CreekFlorida- Broward County Glamour Photography - Coconut Creek
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